Russian women and Spanish language
Below article was written by one of our ladies clients who is married now and lives in Spain.
Please, remember not to translate a letter from Spanish language directly into Russian, without doing it into English first, because a Russian woman will not be able to understand you, translators are not that good when comes to translating directly from Spanish into Russian. Our advice is, do it first into English, then into Russian language.
When you use a online translator you need to be careful with the way of expression, as you may know, translators are not good when it comes to that, you always need to write the pronouns in the phrase. Tilts are not important, only in some exceptions. Like this, there are so many details you need to know and that you will learn in time.
Every one of us has a specific way of talking, of writing, expressing our ideas. You need to realize you are not talking with a woman who has the same culture as you, or social level, the same political ideas, not even with a woman who lives your own reality. Besides, you depend on the way the expressions are programmed in the translator. In short, you need to simplify as much as you can the way of expressions you use.
Another important piece of advice is, never buy a translator program, online translators are available and they are free!!
It is important for you to know, that main Russian mail services that Russian women use, like, Have their own translator, which is the one they use each time they get a message from you in Spanish, and when they write one to you.
However, online translators have their limits regarding the number of words you can write, which means you have to translate your mail in parts. Do not make the mistake of wanting to translate the whole mail at once especially if it is long, because some of your text at the bottom will disappear. It is always good for you to write it first on a word processing program and then copy and paste it into the translator paragraph by paragraph.
One thing you can try if you are not familiar with the translator programs is to translate the email from Spanish into English, and then, do it from English into Spanish. That way you can tell if it looks like what you want to say in your letter.
After all, the best way to have a good communication with a Russian woman is to know the English language, once you read these women’s mails you get to understand what they are trying to say to you. Or is it because their letters are predictable?
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